Best Way to Cover Up a Hickey for Guys and Girls
Have you noticed a particularly purplish mark appear on your neck after a passionate sex romp? There is a huge chance that you have experienced it at some point.
This has left many people asking several questions like what exactly is a hickey? Can I hide it quickly? A hickey is a bruise that is caused by too much sucking of a part of the body during sex. It is mostly visible on sensitive parts of the body, which are the neck, chest, and shoulders. At first, the mark is reddish, but it turns purple after drying out.
Hiding a hickey becomes a real headache the next day, especially if you must attend an important meeting at your workplace or you are the leader at a contract presentation. Not to worry, we have some tips that would help you to easily and quickly hide a hickey. We have three quick tips for you to use.
Wear the Perfect Clothing
The simplest and obvious means of hiding a hickey is to wear an appropriate shirt or cardigan. This could be by either wearing a long-sleeved shirt with a wearing, a cardigan with a turtleneck, a high collared jacket, or a tank top that covers the neck well.
When using this fashion statement to conceal a love bite, you must make sure your clothing style is as inconspicuous as possible. You don’t want your friends asking why you suddenly decided to wear a turtleneck to work.
If you have to hide a hickey during the hot periods, you only draw attention to yourself by wearing a turtleneck, as people would naturally feel you are hiding a neck bruise.
Wear A Concealing Cloth Attachment
If wearing a long-sleeved shirt or a cardigan does not help to conceal a love bite, you can go for the attached clothing option. You can wear either of the following as a complementary attachment to your dressing: for the ladies, you can wear a scarf or use your long hair attachments to cover it. You can also simply drape a cardigan over your shoulders or cover it with a plaster if you are good at making up stories.
Each option does have to be foolproof if you want to successfully prevent people from seeing your hickey. If you use plaster or bandage to hide your love bite, make sure you come up with a story that people will believe.
Guys could say you got bitten by a big, while the ladies could make up a story about getting burnt by a hair roller when styling their hair. If you intend using your hair attachments to hide the hickey, be sure you style your hair in such a way that it covers it entirely. It is advisable not to make use of a scarf to hide a hickey if you do not wear one normally. This would draw attention to you, as people would be wondering what you are hiding.
Apply A Concealer
You can make use of makeup concealer to hide that conspicuous hickey. The important thing to note while using a concealer is to make sure the color blends with your skin effortlessly. Applying a makeup concealer is quickly done in a few simple steps.
First off, apply a yellow corrector to the love bite with the use of a makeup brush. You then allow the yellow coloring to dry for a few minutes before applying a layer of green colored corrector to the hickey. Now is the time to apply a concealer. Make sure the color matches your skin color so that people would not notice it. Apply the concealed with your makeup brush. Finally, apply a makeup foundation over the love bite—a simple and easy way of concealing a hickey.
Conclusion on How to Conceal a Hickey
So, if you notice a love bite after a very steamy night making out, you can avail yourself of our sure tips in hiding it. Get a long-sleeved shirt or better still a turtleneck cardigan to hide it.
You can easily make use of a concealer and fashion accessories to prevent people from noticing it. A hickey is not such a big deal, really, except you let it.